Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Red Bird Vapes

This was a prett good vape mail. We got a few of this line to give a good vape. I tried the one called Chatta Box and it was ok at first but after a while sitting and letting it steep or flavor get better it became a really awesome flavor. Chatta box though I couldn't find the flavor profile was a fruity but cinnamon flavor something that I've been looking for, a really good cinnamon flavor that doesn't burn when I drip it which this one had. I even tried it in my Atlantis and the cinnamon came out a little more and I vaped it until the last drop. Their liquids are a 50/50 blend which had a decent throat hit and semi decent clouds. Their liquids seemed more like a flavor liquid than made for clouds.

Another one I tried the name escapes me at the moment tasted like a green jolly rancher. Not a bold flavor but a sweet tart apple blend. This was also another one we had to let sit for a while to steep because it didn't hardly have any flavor to start off with. 

I've found that the liquids they sent needed a lot of steeping time to make the flavors come alive, it may be because of the dark bottles, or they had just made them up before they sent them to us for review, but I did find that they were lacking in flavor at first but after it seemed a months time it finally had a flavor that was there and not just in the shadows. Their other flavors may be better than the ones we got to review, but based on what we did have I may not buy liquids from them again, maybe just to try and see if their other flavors are different. Not my favorite review and I hate to be negative especially when they extended their hand to us for a review, but I am supposed to be honest. I'm sorry Red Bird, about my negative words, but I assume you prefer honesty than sugar coating it.

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