Sunday, January 25, 2015

Delays, and school, and life

As most of our followers are aware I the main writer if the blog reviews have made it to another semester of school. While our commitment to our vape community is strong there may be times when there are delays or what looks like rushed reviews. Rest assured the delays are noted and the what looks like rushed reviews will be fluffed out more with pictures and more in put. With my nursing school in full swing I try to get the main info across and I can come back when I have what little free time there is between work, school, three kids, and a hubby and make them more intricate. So as a word to the companies looking at the reviews, or looking for the reviews they are coming, and bigger and better ones than currently up are coming, just as the main writer I do have a lot to juggle so I am working diligently to make sure I get to everyone. To our followers please be patient and muddle through all the liquid reviews we are catching up and once caught up we are going to do some coil build tutorials and mod reviews and RDA reviews. We had a ton of juice companies come in all at once and have had to let some steep over various amounts of time, we have 2 companies left to do the full review on, well I think due to my hubby getting word back finally from some others we have more coming so we are trying to catch up there's a handful but we are staying strong and committed. Just stick with us and stay tuned.

Keep calm and vape on

Angel & Bran

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