100% Organic Cotton Wick- This wicking is like someone went straight into the field and just pulled it off the plants themselves, seeds included at no charge lol. If you forget to pull out the seeds they do tend to burn in your coils and you will get that horrible burnt taste until you figure it out, not my favorite part. On the flip side when you remember to pull them out and wick it you get a sweeter flavor out of your juice out of the people we had try it, and in my own personal experience some of us get a "popcorn" flavor out of this wicking. It's a great alternative to the normal cotton balls most use but don't forget to pull out those seeds.

100% Organic Japanese Cotton Pads- These have to be my all time favorite, like the other you can tell it is for real non bleached cotton with the way it looks tinted yellowish, and with what looks like fragments of seeds in the pads. These did not give the burnt taste if you forget to pull out the remainders of the seeds, and a lack of the "popcorn" flavor at least in my opinion. The people we had try it liked the pads over the pulled cotton, but both come highly recommended.

Various wire gauges and types- there's not much to say about the wires to be honest. It comes with the atomizer wick logos and in a convenient spool. I did get to tinker with the pure nickel wire, and the ni200 once I invested in the vapor shark, but I don't have any other experiences with nickel wire at this time.
A big thanks to the company for letting us do a review of their products, and letting us sample their wonderful stuff.
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