Banana Plus-(8mg) For all those who are real banana lovers out there this juice is right up your ally. Now if you are one of those vapers that like to mix different juices together this is a good one. I like it with a good custard or cream to add a little more flavor. It as great rich flavor and the vapor production is on par for like a 50vg/50pg blend.
il Tropical-(4mg) This is a smooth light tropical blend of fruits. It is not one of those hit you in the face strong overwhelming flavors. This is one of the few tropical juices that I would vape. This juice has good flavor and the vapor production is on par for like a 50vg/50pg blend.

Ry4 Regular-(8mg) This juice is definitely different than most Ry4 juices that I have tried before. They put a little cotton candy along with some caramel smoothly blended with tobacco flavors to make this juice have this unique taste. I am not a big fan of Tobacco flavors but I could enjoy vaping this one in a tank. The flavor is very good for a tobacco flavor and the vapor production is on par too.
Pure-(8mg) If you are a big fan of tobacco flavor then this is right up your ally. I let some local vapors try this juice and they said it had a good flavor that was almost like a real Cigarette. So to all the tobacco lovers give this one a try.

First Pick-(8mg) This is a rich first choice Virginia blend tobacco for all those tobacco vapers. This is a very smooth rich but not real harsh tobacco flavor. It almost reminds me of a Virginia slim in a way it is not that bad at all. It has a smooth tobacco flavor and the vapor production is also on par.

The Pie-(8mg) Now this juice is a Italian version of a classic apple pie it has the sweetness of apples that is pretty good it is a very smooth and not to sweet, but it has a rich flavor to it. I could see me vaping it right after a big supper just to relax. The flavor is pretty good and the vapor production is on par also.

Artic Mint-(8mg) This juice tasted like a very smooth mint taste like you get right after you brushed your teeth. This was a first juice that I have reviewed that gave me that feeling literally but overall it was not that bad, but it was smooth not very overwhelming minty taste.

il Bacio-(8mg) This has a very unique taste it is a hazelnut flavor with light notes of the best specialist Italian chocolate flavors added in to make this juice unique in its own way. It has rich flavor and the vapor production is also on par.
First Pick Re-brand-(8mg) This is a very unique blend of Twelve different notes including tobacco flavors all blended together in a very unique way so that it turned out very well. It is a great way to sit back and just relax with this unique juice and let just take you away. It comes with its own personal bag just for it. The flavor is amazing and the vapor production is also on par with the rest of the juices.