Saturday, November 29, 2014

Welcome back my fellow vapers, today we are going to cover a duel parallel build. I'm using lightning vapes 26 gage wire, and a 3/32 drill bit to make my coils. I wrapped them 8 times each making this build once heated and clamped on a 0.2ohms build which is safe for my battery and my RDA. When building safety is always really important, you never build to low for your battery or RDA to handle or too high, though if you're a cloud chaser to low is the one we worry about.

So let's dive down into this build...

My empty deck prior to build
My kanthal I'm using
Cut two equal lengths of wire pax 1ft long I usually use about 8 inches 
My 3/32 drill bit I'm using to build these coils
First coil is finished wrapped 8 times still need to tighten the wires up to make sure none are crossing and everything is close together.
Placing it on your deck is easy tighten down only one side of the deck since you'll have another set of wires going through the positive post.
The reverse side picture of the first coil. You'll just repeat these steps for your second coil the only difference is once placed you'll tighten the positive post down.
Still a mess but once clipped, clamped and positioned you'll be firing great in no time. Before firing your coils always check the ohm reading before pulsing.
Mine read at a 0.22 before I clamped them and positioned them.
You'll pulse your coils to get them to heat evenly, make sure if you don't have ceramic tweezers you don't pulse your battery while clamping them to get them to fire evenly.
Finally after a little bit they heating evenly and from the center out. A beautiful coil build.
Get your cotton ready not too thick but enough that it won't collapse when you fire it. Twist one end off to slip through the coils to wick it.
Tuck one end under the side of the coil but not blocking the space below to allow good air flow. Snip that just past the deck and tuck again.
Repeat these steps for the other side.
Now you're ready to add your e liquid.
Make sure you drench your cotton the first time. Now you're ready to fire.
 Fires like a champ, now put your RDA back together with the sleeve, add some extra liquid and top cap. You're ready to vape on.

She vapes like a beauty. It takes a few times to get this build to work right if you're not familure with parallel builds, mainly to get the wires not to over lap. Once you build it you'll love it and like me it'll probably become your go to coil. I was building on my Doge which if you can't tell by now is my favorite RDA. Stay tuned for more.

Angel & Bran

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Welcome back my fellow vapers!
It's been a few days since my last review but with the holiday season upon us I'm sure y'all can understand.

Today we are going to review two of my new favorite juices.
Heavens Kiss by Flavorz and Admiral Berry Crunch by Mount Baker Vapor

Both are available in different strengths and from their web sites different sizes. I use the 6mg strength for dripping and they are a 50/50 blend.  Meaning 50% PG and 50% VG so it gives you a good throat hit and a good amount of vapor. Myself and my husband cut it in half even more for dripping since the 50/50 blend is more or less for tank usage. We mix half of the e liquid with VG and it makes it more of an 80/20 blend and cuts the mg to about a 3mg which is our preferred strength for dripping. 

Heavens kiss is a toffee coffee flavor, it does have a sweet tone to it but as the label suggests it is a breakfast flavor.  Where as Admiral Berry Crunch is almost a dead ringer for Berry Crunch a part of Captain Crunches line of cereal. Mixed together these two make a really good morning vape, and if you like sweet flavors it makes a good all day kind of vape.

Mount Baker Vapor can be bought online at their web site along with tons of other flavor options and the Heavens Kiss is available in our local shops and online. 
Both of these flavors produce a good vape but with our little modification even more when we make it more of an 80/20 blend. I recommend these flavors to those who like sweet flavors and Heavens Kiss to those who like a sweeter coffee flavor. Very good juices, these companies get a thumbs up :)

Angel & Bran

Monday, November 24, 2014

Welcome back y'all tonight we're going to dive down into another RDA

The twister RDA
This is an authentic RDA
This RDA is probably one of my least favorite, if not down right dangerous RDA's. This RDA has even a warning for it when you go to purchase it from every web site that I've located it on. Explaining that you need to exercise extreme caution when using advanced RDAs and more. So aside from that this one runs a hard hitting $100 or more, which is so not worth the investment at all.

Diving down into the dripper this is serial number 166

It features a 3 post deck and a flat 510 so it does not adjust another negative drawback to this dripper. 

The top cap features a 2 piece design that twists to decrease or increase the air flow, which is another MAJOR draw back to this RDA. It has a serious lack of air flow.

Fully open

Fully closed

This RDA we were going to do a build in and show how it vapes, which despite the warnings on every site I've located this RDA, namely the authentic having the warnings. However after 5 attempts at different builds with different wires and set ups we could not get it to read correctly and when trying to heat the coils to test we had some serious over heating of our mods. So I do apologize about the fact that I can't tell you how it vapes, or show y'all how it vapes. 

So that's the twister, I don't recommend this RDA, and it is not worth the money to invest in the authentic. I was not happy with it once I received it, and took it apart to see just how it worked. The warnings are real I had I build at a cool 0.46 well within safety limits of the batteries I use and mods I use, and this cause a battery meltdown, and explosion. So I really do not recommend this to anyone! 

Just to ease your minds the mod that the explosion happened on came out fine just had some minor collateral damage. We are not newbies and have never had an issue with any mods, RDAs or anything until we got this one. So this will sit up on a shelf and just look pretty in it's little ring style box. 

Angel & Bran 

Hello my fellow vapers we've got another review for y'all, welcome back!

Ok so today we've got my stingray X up and going it's truly a beautiful 18650 mod, 
Or because of the multi detachable or attachable tube pieces it can be a smaller battery too

This is a full copper mod with silver plated contact points.
The outside of the tubes are a beautiful silver plated with copper inlays for the "wing looking things" and the bottom piece has a copper inlay.

The tube pieces go together very easily and the threading is super smooth especially for a clone, even though the features of this clone are more like the authentic mod. The tubes feature a 3 piece design for approximately 3 different size batteries. I'm using the full set up for an 18650.

The locking ring is the only part of this mod that does not have any copper but it is silver plated. It is a reversible twisting ring the whole lefty loosey righty tighty thing applies to this locking ring. Probably the only feature that I'm not thrilled with.

The battery that I'm using is a Sony VTC 5 18650 and it slides in with ease, no catching on the threads or any part of the tube. Leaving the put together easy any simple. Which is a really great feature of this mod.

Mine could use a good cleaning but it is my go to for an 18650 mod.
The top 510 connecter also has copper inlays and a silver plated contact for the RDA you're putting on this beautiful mod.

 Leaving the finished product sleek and powerful due to the copper tubing and the silver plated contacts. The RDA I have attached is my Doge (that I have given a really good review of,) which I LOVE.

This mod when everything is attached is really great and has the potential to produce big amounts of vapor especially with a max vg juice or a 80/20 blend.

All in all this mod is a great 18650 mod. The pricing ranges a lot based on where you're getting it. I got mine at a great price from eBay, but I can't say exactly what the price is everywhere especially the local vape shops. This mod is worth the money I invested and I believe that y'all will love it too if you get your hands on it. If your local shop has one give it a try, my local shop lets us try the mods before we buy them.  Just give it a try the copper makes this mod hit hard but it doesn't drain your battery like most copper mods. It's a great mod and totally worth the money you'll invest.

Angel & Bran

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Welcome back to my followers, and welcome to the new comers! 

We are going to do our first review on a nifty RDA that I got via vapemail... Shout out to my friends at vapebox!

Well this months vapemail contained a cloud chasers best friend an authentic and special edition made specifically for vapebox Doge RDA

This RDA is probably one of the best ones I've gotten my hands on, not only because of the massive air flow but the ease at which you can build on the deck. The cap it comes with does have adjustable airflow but you're still getting massive amounts of air over your coils. It features a copper center positive post and a copper 510,
making the flow of electricity even and fast. Minimal amounts of work are needed to get this thing up and going on your favorite mod.
My personal Hades 26650

I've tried it on a 26650, and an 18650 and it works flawlessly. My husband has one hooked up on his duel 26650 box mod and it's a true beast on that massive clouds can be produced. So this RDA is multi device friendly, and fits on many different mods.

On mine I'm running duel parallel coils at a happy .46 and producing clouds, using a max vg e juice. Also instead of the cap that comes with the Doge
The cap that comes with the Doge and my delrin tip

With my wide bore chug enuff top cap

I prefer a wide bore competition tip, chug enuff to even more get the air flow and clouds.
This picture is with the top the comes with the RDA

The second picture is with the wide bore tip

So your package arrives, or you purchase it at your vape shop and at first glance it's covered in cartoon characters and catch phrases, 

When you open it and get to the RDA you have a extra positive post along with a screw driver for the top screws and a few other bits that if anything happens you can fix your new precious, lol precious is what I call mine.
The top that comes with it come on and off very easily but seems a little big and bulky for the RDA, it simply twists to reduce slightly the amount of air flow you get when puffing on this cloud chasing machine.
The screws fit flawlessly and so far do not snap your coil builds if you screw down to tight, or at least that's been my experience thus far.
The deck is shallow which doesn't supply much of a juice well for dripping, but with the right build you shouldn't have to drip too often. Each is going to have their own choice of builds and wicking techniques. The center holes in the posts are large enough to fit easily a triple parallel  build if not quad I haven't gone that far but have tried a triple parallel build. 

There are a few draw backs to this RDA, the large air flow slots do allow easy over flow of juice to drip out and run down your hands or mod, this is mainly due to the very shallow deck, and the only other draw back to this RDA is that the 510 post is really long so you do have to exercise some caution when switching up mods to make sure you're not going to damage you battery. 

All in all this is a truly magnificent piece, from the neat little puppy on it all the way to the massive air flow. I would highly recommend this RDA to anyone looking to cloud chase, or just wants the clouds with being able to taste the flavor of the juice you're dripping. 

The cost usually runs roughly around $50 for the authentic, but this is on eBay not your local shops or direct from the manufactures web site so the cost can change from place to place. My personal opinion this dripper will seriously put the others to shame and is worth every penny you may spend on it, it has seriously became my go to dripper on all my mods, even beating out my authentic dripper. So y'all give it a look and keep on vaping. 

Angel & Bran